Website author/publisher
Postal address: Nice Premier A Building – 455 Promenade des Anglais – 06 200 Nice – France
Telephone : +33 (0)6 61 20 93 14
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Siret [company registration] No.: 84924248200024
Website host
The website is hosted by Gandi.
The photos used on this website belong either to the author or to royalty-free image platforms (Freepik, Rawpixel, etc.).
Website creation
Vanessa Asse
La NewsFactory agency (Digital and print communication)
Intellectual property rights
Editorial content published on the website is the property of the author of this website and/or their usage rights have been acquired from third parties.
Copying in whole or in part is not permitted without the author’s consent. The content of this website is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
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Any use of all or part of the website without the author’s prior consent, for whatever reason, may lead to any appropriate action being taken, including infringement proceedings.